Contact Us
Home Phone: 417-775-3704
Cell Phone: 479-236-3508
Below you can find the links and PDF files for our purchasing contract along with our questionnaire. With the purchasing of a puppy both of these are to be filled out in full.
Social Media contact buttons are in the header of each page off to the side. You can contact through social media pages also.
Buyers Responsibility
Have your puppy examined by a licensed veterinarian within 48 hours (some exceptions are available) of delivery or pickup. We must be informed immediately of the examination's result by email or by telephone and a copy of the paper work submitted to us via the us postal service or email. Failure to complete this crucial step will terminate the health guarantee on your puppy. This guarantee will then be null and void. Be sure to provide your puppy with routine preventative care, such as, but not limited to: Annual physical examinations by a licensed veterinarian. Follow veterinarian guidelines for vaccinations and de-worming.
Adult Dog Questionnaire
Spay & Neuter
Health Guarantee
Your puppy is guaranteed until one year of age against fatal and life altering congenital diseases which adversely affect the health of the animal. This includes severe hip dysplasia, which hampers a dog's movement and natural gait and requires surgery to correct; kidney, heart, pancreas, spine, and liver problems of a severe life threatening or altering nature. If the dog dies within this one year time frame, you must pay to have it autopsied to ascertain reason of death. If reason is congenital, we will replace the puppy.
All items covered in this guarantee are replacement only
A puppy showing any serious genetic or congenital defect will be replaced as follows: Animal must show the defect by one year of age.
We must be notified of the problem within two (2) business days of the licensed veterinarian's determination and have one (1) report from an unassociated veterinarian stating the same problem. We will then provide a replacement puppy of equivalent value. A puppy with a defect must be returned to us in good condition, other than the specified problem or euthanasia with our permission at your expense to qualify for a replacement puppy. The replacement puppy will be mutually agreed upon by both parties and will be of comparable quality. It is understood that the replacement puppy may not be from the exact same parents as the original puppy.
This guarantee applies to the original puppy only and is nontransferable to a second party. We will not be held responsible for any medical expenses incurred. You, as the buyer, are fully aware that owning a puppy means trips to the veterinarian and understand that you will be responsible for all payments. As of the date of delivery and or pickup, your puppy has received proper vaccinations and has been de-wormed on a strict schedule.
You have been informed of the puppy's vaccination and de-worming schedule and are aware of future vaccinations and de-wormings that will be due. This guarantee does not cover Guardia, Coccidia and Bordetella, which can be common in puppies that are shipped. This bacteria can be spread easily through boarding kennels, dog parks, and other public areas. For an additional cost, you may have us vaccinate your puppy against Bordetella helping prevent this infection from occurring.Bordetella is self-limiting and, like the common cold, must run its course. We recommend vaccinating against Bordetella twice a year.
There are certain disorders that may be caused by environmental factors, such as but not limited to: allergies, thyroid dysfunction, demodectic mange, tumors, growths, scabies, mite related illness are not covered by this guarantee. Any physical problem which is or could be the result of injury is not covered under this guarantee. There is no guarantee that you will be able to show or breed your puppy regardless of show or breeding potential.